Canada faces significant challenges regarding life issues, from unrestricted abortion and euthanasia to increasing restrictions on discussing and promoting human dignity. Join us this November for Cultivating a Culture of Life, a Pro-life Action Conference. Hear from experts on the frontlines, gain tools to engage in tough conversations, and connect with like-minded advocates. Together, let’s cultivate a culture of life in Canada.

Contact us: For sponsorship opportunities and other inquiries, contact us at
Event Details:
Dates: November 7 – 9, 2024
Location: Bethel United Reformed Church
730 101 St SW, Calgary, AB T3H 3Z5
Schedule: Thursday 5:30 PM – Saturday 6:30 PM
Friday, November 8
9:00 – 10:30 AM – Plenary session – Cameron Cote – Optimizing our Efforts with Strategic Goals and MetricsOptimizing our Efforts with Strategic Goals and MetricPro-life organizations are often challenged by the fierce urgency of the present. Understanding the injustices which target the weakest and most vulnerable members of the human family, it can be a temptation to either launch into the more readily available form of engagement or else those which we are the most familiar and confident with, praying that results will follow.
In this session, Cam will talk about why and how to develop Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely goals, and how to appropriately and charitably evaluate projects and programs your pro-life group is investing into, whether financially or with your time, to ensure that you are optimizing your return on investment.
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Plenary session – Mike Schouten – Effective Political ActionEffective Political ActionBuilding relationships with those in government is key to effective political action. Join us in learning how this is possible, not nearly as challenging as you might think it is, and why it can result in long-lasting change.
12:00 – 1:30 PM – Lunch Break
1:30 – 3:00 PM – Plenary session – Alex Schadenberg – Euthanasia in CanadaEuthanasia in CanadaLearn more about how we can change the debate on euthanasia (MAiD) in Canada.
3:30 – 4:30 PM – Breakout sessions
5:00 – 6:00 PM – Breakout sessions
6:00 – 7:30 PM – Dinner Break
7:30 – 9:00 PM – Plenary session – Cameron Cote – Changing Hearts and Minds on AbortionChanging Hearts and Minds on AbortionWhether you are talking with your friends, family, or complete strangers in your community, conversations about aborting can be awkward and at times emotionally charged.
This interactive workshop will equip you with the street-tested conversation skills you need to speak with clarity and compassion, changing hearts and minds on this vital issue.
Saturday, November 9
9:00 – 10:30 AM – Plenary session – Jonathon Van Maren – Hope for the Pro-Life MovementHope for The Pro-Life MovementThis presentation will explore successful historic social reform movements, the key players and strategies which contributed to their success, as well as how the global pro-life movement is adopting and adapting these strategies to transform our culture at both the political and cultural levels.
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Breakout sessions
12:00 – 1:30 PM – Lunch Break
1:30 – 3:00 PM – Plenary session – Gabrielle Johnson – How to reach abortion-minded womenHow to reach abortion-minded womenThis talk will give an intimate view into the conversations at the Back Porch, a ministry to abortion-minded women. It will cover the challenges, hopes, and successes of the women who work to directly prevent abortions, every day.
3:30 – 4:30 PM – Breakout sessions
5:00 – 6:30 PM – Panel discussion – Setting Goals for 2025 with the Three Arms of the Pro-Life Movement)
Breakout Speakers
Friday Session 1:
• Quiana Casamayor – Recruitment and Empowerment: Managing Volunteers to Transform our CultureRecruitment and Empowerment: Managing Volunteers to Transform our CultureVolunteers are in many ways the life-blood of any non-profit organization, and this rings doubly true for the pro-life movement. Whether volunteers are answering phone calls, delivering flyers, or mentoring parents, it is essential that pro-life groups find willing and able candidates, onboard them efficiently, and empower them constantly to ensure that their impact is optimized and their involvement is retained.
In this presentation, Quiana, CCBR’s Calgary Volunteer Coordinator, will explore principles and practices to ensure you are able to grow your volunteer team in ways that increase your impact while ensuring they stay involved for the long run.
• Mike Schouten – Lobbying 101Lobbying 101What’s all involved in booking a meeting with your government official?
Come learn how to schedule and prepare for a meeting, as well as some tips on making it as effective as possible.
• Joseph & Kathy Woodard – Raising Pro-Life FamiliesRaising Pro-Life FamiliesWith tremendous pressures and attacks coming against life from the media, peers, and even at times school administrations, it is vital that parents are equipped with tools to ensure their children are raised with a deep and persevering value for human life from it's very beginning until it's natural end. In this session, Joseph and Kathy Woodard will share lessons they have learned personally raising their own children, as well as insights they've gained from the witness of other parents, to help you anchor a value for human life in the hearts of all your children.
Friday Session #2:
• Prayer & Worship Session
• Melanie Nelson – Biblical Stewardship for Maximum Kingdom Impact – How to Govern WellBiblical Stewardship for Maximum Kingdom ImpactIn this session, Melanie will share Biblical foundations for good governance along with practical application and survey of the not-for-profit governing legislation. Whether you are a seasoned board member or organization leader, or interested to know more about what it means to govern an organization well, this will be a great session to engage on the topic.
• Cameron Cote – Understanding IVFUnderstanding IVFThe heartbreak of infertility along with advances in life sciences have had a profound impact on the parenting journey that more and more couples are embarking on, particularly with the aid of in vitro fertilization (IVF). In this interactive workshop, Cam Côté will share statistical and moral insights into the practice of IVF, while also sharing compassionate and compelling conversation tools which can be applied to sensitive conversations with friends, family members, and others in our community who have personally pursued IVF, as well as those who ideologically support it.
Saturday Session #1:
• Pastor Jeff Thompson – Why would the church be silent?Why would the church be silent?Why do churches need to be involved in the pro-life movement? We will look at the need within both the church and the community, as well as what the Bible has to say. This talk will also look at some basic details of implementation.
• Dr. Michael Wagner – A Turning Point in Canadian History: The Legalization of Abortion and the Pro-Life ResponseA Turning Point in Canadian History: The Legalization of Aboriton and the Pro-Life ResponseWhile abortion has been largely normalized throughout much of Canadian and western Culture, it certainly hasn’t always been this way.
In this presentation, Dr. Michael Wagner will explore the time period of 1968 until 1991 as profoundly transformative toward legalizing and normalizing abortion in Canada. He will examine the key players and events which contributed to these legal changes, as well as the principle pro-life players and organizations who responded to this crisis, setting the stage for Canada’s contemporary pro-life movement.
• Marty Moore – Understanding Your Rights to Speak LifeUnderstanding Your Rights to Speak LifeWith a growing number of Canadians becoming actively involved in the pro-life movement, there are many reasons to rejoice in the momentum that appears to be growing from coast to coast. Yet as more voices begin to speak in defense of life, there are others who are working to hinder and silence these voices. In this presentation, Marty Moore will speak about threats to our freedom of speech, as well as practical tools which can help ensure that our voices will ring out all the more clearly.
Saturday Session #2:
• Leanne Garner – Hope and Healing for Those Hurting from AbortionHope and Healing for Those Hurting from AbortionThis session will delve into a biblical perspective on how we can sensitively and compassionately engage in discussions with individuals who have chosen abortion. As followers of Christ, we will draw from the wisdom of the Bible to guide our approach to communication. The focus will be on addressing the topic of abortion within the church, understanding the wide-ranging impact of abortion, and equipping ourselves with the knowledge to provide support and empathy to those who are experiencing the pain of abortion.
• Alissa Golob – How We Can Win Politically in the Pro-Life MovementHow We Can Win Politically in the Pro-Life MovementWhile many peoples' experience with politics revolves solely around voting in general elections at the municipal, provincial, and federal level, there is a tremendous amount more that the pro-life movement can do to ensure we achieve effective and efficient protect life at all stages. In this presentation, Alissa Golob will share about strategies and opportunity within nomination campaigns, party conventions, and electoral boards, as well as in the lead up to general elections, to ensure as many of our candidates and ultimately sitting politicians work in defense of life.
• Dr. Ted Fenske – Self-Managed Abortion and Abortifacient TechnologySelf-Managed Abortion and Abortifacient Technology Health Canada approved RU-486/Mifepristone (better known as “The Abortion Pill”, together with Misoprostol) in July of 2015, and since 2017, when it became more accessible to the public, its use and acceptance have been rapidly increasing. These “self-managed abortions” have ended the lives of countless children in Alberta and across the country, while also catastrophically transforming the lives of mothers, fathers, and others in the community.
In this presentation, Dr. Ted Fenske will explore what we as Canadians need to know about the abortion pill, as well as touching on the abortion pill reversal procedure and other abortifacient technologies we must be aware of.

Plenary Speakers:

Jonathon Van Maren
Communications Director
His insights have been featured on CTV, Global News, and the CBC, as well as over twenty radio stations. He regularly speaks on a variety of social issues at universities, high schools, churches, and other functions in Canada, the United States, and Europe.
He is the author of The Culture War, Seeing is Believing: Why Our Culture Must Face the Victims of Abortion, Patriots: The Untold Story of Ireland’s Pro-Life Movement, Prairie Lion: The Life and Times of Ted Byfield, and co-author of A Guide to Discussing Assisted Suicide with Blaise Alleyne.

Gabrielle Johnson

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director
1999. His goal through the work of the EPC is to build a well-informed, broadly based membership of
groups and individuals to establish an effective social barrier to euthanasia and assisted suicide.
He has spoken in over a dozen different countries and organized the first international conference on
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in November 2007, as well as the first conference on Euthanasia at the
European parliament in Novemeber 2022. His articles have been published in newspapers world-wide,
and he maintains the world’s most widely-red blog on issues related to assisted death.
Alex is the author of Exposing Vulnerable People to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, A Commemorative
Compilation, and is the co-producer of the film Fatal Flaws, the documentary Euthanasia Deception, and
the film Turning The Tide.

Mike Schouten
Executive Director
ARPA Canada
Mike has been featured in Canada's mainstream media, having been published many times in the National Post, Vancouver Sun, and the Calgary Herald. He also has been interviewed by the National Post, CBC News, CPAC and various radio talk shows across the country. Mike regularly speaks at community events, schools, and churches about euthanasia and abortion, and steps that can be taken to promote justice for vulnerable Canadians who are enduring suffering.
Mike lives in British Columbia with his wife Jennifer and they are the parents of six children, one who has been promoted to his home in heaven with Jesus.

Cameron Cote
Western Outreach Director
Cameron Côté serves as both the Western Outreach Director for CCBR, overseeing outreach activity throughout western Canada, as well as being the co-host of The Pro-Life Guy's Podcast, a program dedicated to equipping pro-lifers with the tools they need to change minds, save lives, and transform our culture.
For now over 15 years, Cameron has been involved in equipping pro-life individuals and groups from around the world with the tools they need to have compassionate and compelling conversations about abortion, most notably campus, community, and national pro-life organizations in Canada, the USA, and England. He has been the keynote speaker at dozens of galas and banquets, as well as being featured as a speaker at LifeCanada’s 2019 National Pro-Life Conference and the Virtual Catholic Apologetics Conference in 2020 hosted by Matt Fradd and Pints with Aquinas. He has served on the board of directors for local, regional, and national pro-life groups across Canada.
After graduating from the University of Victoria with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, Cameron joined CCBR’s staff team in 2013, leading CCBR’s western internships from 2013 until 2017 before moving into his current role in which he oversees operations in CCBR’s Vancouver, Calgary, and Winnipeg offices, as well as a handful of volunteer-led community groups.
Growing up in a pro-life family, Cameron was launched into action after being exposed to the reality of abortion in 2009, where he was involved in hosting a debate between CCBR’s then Executive Director Stephanie Gray Connors and Dr. Eike Kluge, a philosophy professor at the University of Victoria. After watching a graphic video of abortion that showed exactly what an abortion was, Cameron realized that this was happening over 100,000 times every year in Canada, and that he needed to do everything that he could to end this age-based discrimination.
Breakout Speakers:

Quiana Casamayor
Calgary Volunteer Coordinator
Calgary Volunteer Coordinator - Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR)Quiana is CCBR’s Calgary Volunteer Coordinator. Having started in the pro-life movement as volunteer herself, she counts it a privilege to equip the volunteers with the tools they need and lead the volunteer team as they reach their fellow Calgarians with the truth about abortion through CCBR’s various outreach projects.
Growing up in a pro-life home, Quiana was introduced to the issue of abortion and the work of CCBR at a young age by folding CCBR’s newsletters with her family. In 2018, she felt she needed to get more involved in the pro-life movement and joined CCBR’s volunteer team shortly after. The burden Quiana felt to stand for pre-born children and share the truth about abortion with others only increased with the need and the success she saw while doing activism.

Dr. Ted Fenske
Clinical Professor with the Division of Cardiology
University of Alberta
Clinical Professor with the Division of Cardiology - University of AlbertaTed Fenske is a Clinical Professor with the Division of Cardiology at the University of Alberta, staff cardiologist at the C.K. Hui Heart Centre, Fellow for Medicine and Public Christianity at the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity (EICC), and Elder at Fellowship Baptist Church in Edmonton. Referring to himself in his hospital role as “a sheep in wolf’s clothing,” he endeavors to shine God’s light in dark places of need and provide compassionate care for his patients, asserting that his personal faith in Christ has been the focus and foundation of his practice.
He is involved in outreach mission, both locally and abroad, including trips to Sub-Saharan Africa with Samaritan’s Purse.
He is an author of numerous books, including Keeping Faith in Medicine: navigating secularized healthcare with grace and truth, and has a passion for Christian-equipping ministry, speaking in public forums on a broad range of topics, including the COVID crisis and vaccination concerns, countering abortion and euthanasia, addressing conscience rights, LGBT agenda and gender confusion, pornography addiction, and critiquing evolutionism and environmentalism.
He is happily married to Tanya and has three sons, and is content to call Edmonton home these past 30+ years.

Leanne Garner
Regional Director, Canada
Healing Hearts Ministry
Regional Director, Canada - Healing Hearts MinistryLeanne first became involved with Healing Hearts Ministries as a client by taking the Binding Up the Broken-hearted Bible study online and received healing from the abortion that she had in her early 20’s. While still in the study, Leanne became overwhelmed with the Lord’s grace and mercy toward her even though she had chosen to take the life of her child. What came from the ashes of this devastating choice was a call to minister along side others who experienced this pain and shame. Leanne asked her counsellor how she became trained as a leader and that was the beginning nearly a decade of learning, growing, and ministering.
In 2012 Leanne became an Area Coordinator for Western Canada and her leadership role has culminated in being appointed to Director in 2019. In addition to being a Healing Hearts leader, Leanne has worked in various ministries within her local church since she was baptized in 1993. These include, children’s ministry, youth ministry, young adult ministry, ladies ministry and most recently serves as a pastor’s wife within a church plant in Calgary.

Alissa Golob
Executive Director
Right Now
Executive Director - Right NowAlissa is the co-founder and Executive Director of the pro-life organization RightNow. She’s worked full-time in the pro-life movement for 13 years and is an accomplished activist, blogger, public speaker & Political commentator.

Marty Moore
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom
Lawyer - Justice Centre for Constitutional FreedomsMarty Moore is a lawyer based in Calgary, who has dedicated the last decade of his career to defending Canadians’ constitutional rights and freedoms. He currently leads a team of lawyers funded by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.
Given the fact that pro-life views are a frequent target of censorship, Marty has advised and represented numerous pro-life individuals and organizations over the years.
He and his wife Chantelle live near Calgary, and are blessed with three children.

Melanie Nelson
Governance and IT Professional
Governance and IT ProfessionalMelanie is an governance professional and information technology with designations in organizational change management and governance. She loves to combine her occupational leadership and ministry experience for the church. She has a heart for the church and desires to encourage and challenge fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and emerging leaders for kingdom advancement. She serves as pastoral leader of a single adult’s ministry in a local church where she develops leaders, shepherds congregants, and provides spiritual care. She also serves as the Chair of the Board of Governors for a local church. She serves on the Board of Directors for a national denomination. Melanie holds an undergraduate degree in Science from Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, British Columbia and a Master’s of Christian Ministry from the Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary in Cochrane, Alberta, Canada.

Pastor Jeff Thompson
Assistant Pastor
Calvary Chapel, Langley, BC
Calvary Chapel, Langley, BCJeff Thompson currently serves as Assistant Pastor at Riverside Calvary Chapel in Langley BC. He heads up several ministries in the church, one of which is the Love Life House of Refuge. With the direction of the Holy Spirit Jeff was instrumental in bringing the Love Life ministry to Canada and has been diligent in his efforts to get more Canadian churches to come on board. This is a Jesus centered, pro-life ministry that comes alongside women (and the men involved) who are in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy to show them the love of Jesus and a true picture of His love in action in order that they might choose life for their babies and hopefully come to know Jesus as their Lord and saviour. They also minister to those who have abortion in their past and help them come to understand the grace and forgiveness of Jesus. Jeff has been married to his beautiful wife Joan for 44 years, they have 3 children and 10 amazing grandchildren, and together they spearhead this ministry and the over 60 volunteers that are involved.

Dr. Michael Wagner
Independent researcher and writer
Independent researcher and writerMichael Wagner is an independent researcher and writer, and a columnist for the Western Standard. He has a PhD in political science from the University of Alberta. He has written some books including Standing on Guard for Thee: The Past, Present, and Future of Canada's Christian Right and Leaving God Behind: The Charter of Rights and Canada's Official Rejection of Christianity. He and his wife have eleven children and they have been home educating for about 30 years.
As one of the leading authorities on the history of Canada’s pro-life movement, we are thrilled to have him as a contributor to this year’s conference.

Joseph & Kathy Woodard
Joseph & Kathy WoodardJoe and Kathy Woodard moved to Calgary in 1992, after the birth of their first two children in California, and the birth of their third child in Ontario. They did this so that their kids could be close to their grandparents. Since then they had seven more children, and moving away became unthinkable. They are now the proud grandparents of 18: eight in Calgary, four in Washington, three in Ottawa, and three in Dublin. They most enjoy all the little cousins getting together, and plan on eventually taking over a small town.Promotional Material:
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Hosting Organizations:
CCBR: The Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform is a pro-life organization that aims to make abortion unthinkable and change hearts and minds on abortion in order to end the killing. We offer resources, education, and action to protect human rights and expose the reality of abortion.
ALIES: The Alberta Life Issues Educational Society is a pro-life charity that educates on topics surrounding life issues. We specialize in 11th-hour advocacy to the abortion-vulnerable, providing education and support towards life-affirming options.